Non-Combat and Reenactment
Non-Combat and Reenactment
Despite the name, Medieval Combat Wales, is not solely focused on fighting. A person need not ever hold a weapon to be part of this team. We encourage everyone who has an interest in living history or reenactment to join us. There are a number of crucial roles that we as an organisation would love to expand.
Marshals, camp organisers, first aid, cooks, bakers, armourers, blacksmiths, jugglers, jesters, squires, historians, musicians, archers, Lords and Ladies the list is virtually endless as are the opportunities!
It may be that you don’t feel physically capable of fighting but still want to take part, perhaps you feel too old or are too young to compete, maybe you just have no interest in fighting but would still love to experience the atmosphere or perhaps you would enjoy the social aspect of the club. Whatever your reasons, they are welcome and so are you!
If you are interested in being a member of this exciting organisation or would even just like to try a one off event then please come along to one of our soft kit training days to meet the team. We aim to be a Family Forged in Steel.
Why Join?
Joining the organisation has a number of benefits that range from subsidised travel, meals and accommodation to seminars given by historical experts all the way to free entry to events.
Medieval Combat Wales both hosts and attends a number of events throughout the year. From displays at download festival to living history shows to international buhurt competitions.
As an organisation we could always utilise more people and would love to expand our base of support staff and non-combat members to attend these events with us. The atmosphere is always fun and lively so come join us!
Throughout the year we try to host as many learning groups and seminars as possible. If you enjoy medieval history then as a member of the group you will get the opportunity to take part in and hear talks from all manner of experts on a wide range of topics. Subjects such medieval baking, blacksmiths, period music and dressmaking. If its Medieval then we are interested in it.
If you are a expert in any such fields then please do not hesitate to contact us as we are always looking for new courses to run and it is our joy to encourage learning and support local scholars and artisans.
As an organisation we always have a need for trained support staff to assist at events and competitions. As a member of the group there will often be opportunities to attend a range accredited training courses. Marshals and first aid courses being amongst the most common.
Demolition Download
Here is a short promo clip of one of our own Team Wales Buhurt fighters, Ben, at last years Download festival! As a member of Medieval Combat Wales there is opportunity to attend such events as part of the entertainment packages that a number of these festivals offer.
Demolition Download returned to the hallowed grounds of Donington for another year at Download Festival 2019.