Our Members
Dai ‘Spike’ Watkins - President
Dai is a long standing martial artist and karate instructor who found the sport of buhurt by chance. And what a lucky thing he did as he fell in love with the sport instantly! Over the course of a few years he went from new member to club President. Without Dai the club would not have grown to its current status and with him it will continue to grow!
Kaine Stuart - Vice President
Kaine is the current vice president of Medieval Combat Wales. While fairly new to the world of armoured combat he has found a real passion for it and jumped in both feet first.
Alexander Skinner - Captain
Alex is the Captain for Medieval Combat Wales, a younger member of the club and hungry to lead the team in tournaments and in training session
Jasmine Ironborne - Female Captain
Jasmine is the Female Captain for Wales as well as Trustee representative for Medieval Combat Wales in the MCSA GB Committee. Prior to Medieval Combat Jasmine trained in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Combat Taijutsu (utilising Japanese weaponry, throws and hand to hand combat).